UB2030 - 06 - Toekomst van Digital Services and Infrastructures
Episode Page | Project Page | Listen on SoundCloud | Podcast RSS |
Basic Info
Field Name | Field Value |
Cover Image | ![]() https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-cover_image.jpg |
Title | UB2030 - 06 - Toekomst van Digital Services and Infrastructures |
Permalink | ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures |
Genre | Science |
Tags | Podcast UB2030 Futuring |
Description | UB 2030 is een podcast over de innovatie van de universiteitsbibliotheek door technologische veranderingen en verschuivingen in onderzoek en onderwijs. In aflevering 06 bespreken Maurice Vanderfeesten en David Oldenhof het onderwerp Digital Services and Infrastructures. Ze worden vergezeld door de gasten Alexey Pristupa, hoofd van de afdeling Digitale Diensten en Infrastructuur aan de Universiteitsbibliotheek van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, en Alistair Dunning, hoofd onderzoeksdiensten aan de Universiteitsbibliotheek van TU Delft. Samenvatting: De podcast bespreekt het belang van Digital Services and Infrastructures en het lonkende perspectief waarbij de toekomst van digitale bibliotheekdiensten en -infrastructuur in 2030 wordt verkend. Kernpunten: Definities en context, Future’s Triangle, Push of the Present, Pull of the Future, Weight of the Past Tips van de gasten: Alastair Dunning promoot de MOOC van TU Delft, Alexey Pristupa raadt de “data conversations” aan. Referenties: <ul> <li>Alastair Dunning – Digital Services Programme. (2023, March 29). https://digital-services.tudl.tudelft.nl/author/adunning/</li><li>Malyarov, N. (2019). Future of Libraries Magazine: The impacts of advanced technology on libraries and education. https://blog.pressreader.com/libraries-institutions/the-impacts-of-advanced-technology-on-libraries-and-education</li><li>Nikolay Malyarov. (2019). Future of Libraries Magazine. https://hello.pressreader.com/future-of-libraries</li><li>Rieger, O. Y., & Schonfeld, R. (2023). Common Scholarly Communication Infrastructure Landscape Review. Ithaka S+R. https://doi.org/10.18665/sr.318775</li><li>Rieger, R. C. S., Oya Y. (2023, April 26). What Is Shared Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication? The Scholarly Kitchen. https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2023/04/26/shared-infrastructure-scholarly-communication/</li><li>Roger C. Schonfeld, Author at The Scholarly Kitchen. (n.d.). The Scholarly Kitchen. Retrieved June 22, 2023, from https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/author/rschon/</li></ul> |
Privacy | Public |
Publication date | 2023-08-08T09:00:00 CET |
Duration | 00:43:45 |
Audio | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-audio.m4a |
Shownotes | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-shownotes.md |
Transcript | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-transcript.md |
Summary | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-gpt4-step1-summary.md |
Perspective | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-gpt4-step2-perspective.md |
Story | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-gpt4-step2-story_scenario.md |
Next Steps | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-gpt4-step3-next_steps.md |
References | https://github.com/ubvu/ub2030/blob/main/ub2030-06-digital_services_and_infrastructures/ub2030-06-dsi-references.md |
Extended Info
Field Name | Field Value |
Contains music | No |
Artist | Universiteitsbibliotheek Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Publisher | Universiteitsbibliotheek Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Composer | - |
Release title | - |
Buy-link | https://ubvu.github.io/ub2030/ |
Album title | UB2030 |
Record label | - |
Release date | - |
Barcode | - |
Contains explicit content | No |
License | CC-BY (Creative Commons, Attribution, version 4.0, International) |
Field Name | Field Value |
Enable direct downloads | Yes |
Offline listening | Yes |
Include in RSS feed | Yes |
Display embed code | Yes |
Enable appl playback | Yes |
Field Name | Field Value |
20 second Preview | Starting at: 00:00 |
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