The Portal Project data

import pandas as pd
d = pd.read_csv('data/portal_project.tsv', delimiter='\t')

Create separate tables

species = d.copy()[['species_id', 'species', 'genus', 'taxa']]
species = species.drop_duplicates()

species1 = d.copy()[['species_id', 'species', 'genus', 'taxa']].drop_duplicates()

observations = d.copy().drop(columns=['species', 'genus', 'taxa'])

Average hindfoot length per species

average_length = observations.hindfoot_length.mean(skipna=True)  # skipna=True is also the default
average_length_ps = observations.groupby('species_id', as_index=False).\
    agg(mean_hf_length = ('hindfoot_length', 'mean')).\
    merge(species, how='inner')
species_id mean_hf_length species genus taxa
0 AB NaN bilineata Amphispiza Bird
1 AH 33.0 harrisi Ammospermophilus Rodent
2 AS NaN savannarum Ammodramus Bird
3 BA 13.0 taylori Baiomys Rodent
4 CB NaN brunneicapillus Campylorhynchus Bird

Ratio M/F per species per year

ratios = observations.\
    groupby(['species_id', 'year', 'sex'], as_index=False).\
    agg(nr = ('record_id', 'count')).\
    pivot(index = ['species_id', 'year'], columns = 'sex', values = 'nr')
ratios['mfratio'] = ratios.M / ratios.F
ratios = ratios.reset_index()
sex species_id year F M mfratio
0 AH 1995 NaN 1.0 NaN
1 BA 1989 NaN 3.0 NaN
2 BA 1990 8.0 3.0 0.375000
3 BA 1991 19.0 6.0 0.315789
4 BA 1992 4.0 2.0 0.500000

Number of observations per species and year

obspspy = observations.\
    groupby(['species_id', 'year'], as_index=False).\
    agg(obs = ('record_id', 'count'))

obspspy['totobs'] = obspspy.groupby('species_id').obs.transform('sum')

obspspy = obspspy[obspspy.totobs > 300].\
    merge(species, how='inner')

obspspy['speciesname'] = obspspy.genus + ' ' + obspspy.species

Make a plot

import plotnine as p9
    p9.ggplot(obspspy, mapping=p9.aes(x='year', y='obs', color='speciesname')) 
    + p9.geom_line()

    p9.ggplot(obspspy, mapping=p9.aes(x='year', y='obs')) 
    + p9.geom_line() 
    + p9.facet_wrap('speciesname') 
    + p9.scale_y_log10()